Day 0 Posting 1 - Blogging: Journalism or Activism or Both?
Day 1 Posting 1 - Arriving in Boston: Saturated Air & U.S. Topography
Day 2 Posting 1 - Clinton a No-Show at Rock the Vote, Disappointed Grassroots Young Dems
Day 2 Posting 2 - a not-so-typical day for delegates and others
Day 3 Posting 1 - Teresa, Hillary, bloggers, and 5000 other "revolutionaries"
Day 3 Posting 2 - Altered Perspectives of Bloggers and Media - The Physical Logistics
After spending a day back home with my kids, I'm interested in sharing some more stories from my unusual week in Boston. This posting includes my reflections on Barack Obama -- whom I last saw when he was my law school professor in a 10-person seminar -- and on some high-profile folks I ran into in Boston.