How can Howard Dean say that Democrats can coalesce around Korb and Katulis' vision of strategic redeployment of troops? And why not around Murtha's resolution instead? In Howard Dean's letter to democrats today, he states:
We all agree that 2006 must be a transition year in Iraq. While we may have different ideas about tactics and timing, it's clear we must change course. The vision of strategic redeployment set forward by Brian Katulis and former Reagan Defense Department official Lawrence Korb offers a likely roadmap to success that we can coalesce around.
Katulis and Korb outline their Iraq redeployment strategy in this article. Their strategy shares some similarities with what Feingold talked about today in terms of transitioning from a goal-less fight in Iraq to fighting Al Queda in a global war, and shares some similarities with Murtha's resolution.